Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mission Statement

While it should go without saying that all blogs are essentially just personal yet public journals. As such journals what the writer puts in them are his opinions, you don't have to agree with them or even like them but you should realize that he has set up his own soapbox you have a choice to view or not view, I welcome comments and others opinions and those that are worthy I will note in this blog. Those that consistently post interesting and insightful comments I will direct(positive) attention to them and their blog and possibly request their opinions on further posts. I do encourage opposing views and even prefer them to those that agree with me constantly. Please try to play the devils advocate.

People are welcome to vent along with me and respond to my rants but please trolls, hecklers, and morons stay out.

However do not play the devils moron. No ignorant, arrogant, selfish, or racist comments about the subject matter

e. g. "This Fuck U fo makin fun of [subject of discussion]!!!111!! and making fun of the [subject's group]. You can just tell that they are all written by idiotic 15 year old Fanboys who have no Idea what they are talking about."
(taken from You Tube comments- the holy grail of stupidity)

offensive comments are welcome, though if they are intelligent and funny .
No stupid comments

(if your not sure don't post)

No insulting comments about me.

I'm not an idiot any idiotic appearances are usually corrected with in 24 hrs of a post, I'm not 13 so calling me or my entries 'gay' just sounds stupid.

Note: exceptions may be made if you are either correct(in the case of idiocy) or funny all decisions are subject to my judgment and no one else's.

If the offending user is stupid enough use his user name then I will attempt to attract negative attention to him and any blogs or websites he might have and that comment will be deleted. I would rather not have to regulate all the comments on my blogs but if I have to.

Keep in mind that unless your comments might interest me, make me laugh, or in some way improve my understanding of anything I don't give a flying fuck. this is intended almost entierly for my benefit any benefit to others is almost entirely co-incidental